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The Moulinets dam – Orbe – Switzerland

The Moulinets dam – Orbe – Switzerland

Dams and hydraulic Engineering  (Hydro-electric power plant)

  • Client: VOEnergies Production SA
  • Assignment: Feasibility study, general design, bathymetry, geotechnical mission, preliminary design, project design, concession request, tenders, project execution, construction management
  • Completion date: 2008 – 2013
  • Total cost of the assignment: 700k CHF
  • Total cost of work: 10,000k CHF



The project involved the reconstruction of the existing dam and the creation of a new hydroelectric plant to replace the existing 3 turbines in the buildings of the former ROD Mills.

The new “dam- plant” includes a movable dam with a damper, a hydroelectric plant and a water intake:

  • Number of groups: 2 type “S” turbines with horizontal axis
  • Exploitable fall: 6.1 m
  • Flow rate: 21.6 m³ / s
  • Total installed power: 1 MW
  • Average annual production: 4.22 GWh
  • Fish lift: concrete tower, height 14 m
  • Fish displacement device integrated into the factory grid
  • Moving dam: 2 passes
  • Largeur x hauteur : 5.1m x 3.6m
  • Type de vanne : vannes clapets


GEOS Ingénieurs Conseils completed the project management, including the feasibility study, the bathymetry, the geotechnical study as analysis related to fish migration.

Chavort hydroelectric power plant (38) – France

Chavort hydroelectric power plant (38) – France

Dams and hydraulic Engineering (Hydro-electric power plant)

  • Client: SH CHAVORT – AKUO Energy
  • Assignment: Feasibility Study, AVP, PRO, ACT; Assistance to the General Contractor
  • Completion date: 2013 – 2017
  • Total cost of the assignment: € 210k


The project consists of upgrading the waterfall created by the threshold of the existing bridge, which varies from approximately 3 meters to 1 meter, depending on the flows of the river.

The new “dam” plant consists of six passes, four of which are equipped with turbines of the VLH type and the remaining two valves are used for the transit of loaded materials. The top of the six passes, designed to be overflowing is equipped with inflatable buckles.

  • Equipment flow rate: 105 m³ / s
  • Total gross weight: 1 m
  • Installed turbines: 4 VLH DN5000
  • Electrical power max: 2000 kW
  • Estimated annual production: 10,000 MWh


The mission of GEOS Ingénieurs Conseils is to carry out the Feasibility Studies, Preliminary Design, phase and tender documents, as well as assist the project manager in the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Isère River.

The studies carried out include the design of the dam works, integration of hydroelectric and hydromechanical equipment and drawing up plans to understand the application for authorization and the WFD.

GEOS provides assistance to the Client, in particular for the BOP contract.


The Sanne dam (38) – France

The Sanne dam (38) – France

Dams and hydraulic Engineering (Dams and dykes)

  • Client: Intercommunal Syndicate of Hydraulic Development of the Sanne Basin
  • Total cost of the assignment: € 40k
  • Completion date: 2014-2016


The creation of dykes to protect the town of Salaise-sur-Sanne (houses and communal buildings) from the centennial floods was initiated in 1983 and then extended in 1988 to 1998-2000. The framework of the works was authorized by prefectural order.

  • Height of dykes: 1 to 4 meters
  • Linear: 10 kilometers

The dykes on the left and right banks of the Sanne in Salaise-sur-Sanne and Sablons have been classified as Class C dykes under the regulations on safety of hydraulic structures. The notification of prefectural classification dates from 18 June 2013.

In order to comply with the requirements the Intercommunal Syndicate of Hydraulic Development of Sanne, being the party in charge of the project, entrusted Geos with the realization of the Advanced Technical Visit integrating the Initial Safety Diagnosis of Sanne dykes concerned by this notification of classification.

Following these missions, the SIAH entrusted Geos, accompanied by INGEROP office, to study the dangers of dykes.


  • Comprehensive technical visit integrating the Initial Safety Diagnosis
  • Risk Study
  • Written instructions incorporating a vegetation management plan


The Gannes dam – Commentry (03) – France

The Gannes dam – Commentry (03) – France

Dams and hydraulic Engineering (Dams and dykes)

  • Client: City of Commentry
  • Total cost of the assignment: 30 k €
  • Completion date: 2013-2014


The Gannes Dam (Class A) is a masonry barrier for the supply of drinking and industrial water to the town of Commentry, built between 1905 and 1907 on the Banny Creek in the town of Durdat-Larequille. The dam is owned by the City of Commentry.

Its main dimensions are:

  • Length of the dam: 182 m
  • Height on foundation: 24 m


  • Hydrological and flood control study
  • Dam’s stability study, including seismic analysis;
  • Preparation of written instructions
  • Functional analysis of the spillway flap
  • Study for the installation of a jumper trap