04 50 95 38 14 info@geos-ic.com

Giratoire des Grandes Communes – Lancy – Switzerland

Civil and structural Engineering

  • Client:  Ville de Lancy – Construction and works department
  • Assignment: Project Management
  • Total cost of work: 4,700k CHF
  • Total cost of the assignment: 250k CHF
  • Completion Date: 2011-2012


The mission carried out by GEOS is a part creation of a double gyratory crossroads, replacing the crossroads with tricolor lights of Avenue des Grandes Communes, Avenue des Morgines and Chemin Gérard-de-Ternier, for the City of Lancy.

The characteristics of the project are as follows:

  • Creation of a double gyratory crossroads with tree beds (50 x 5 m),
  • Rehabilitation of asphalt mixes (2,500 t) and pavement structures (15,000 m²),
  • Landscaping, curbs (2,200 m), plantations (trees, grasses, perennials),
  • Industrial and other networks (15,000 m),
  • Refurbishments (1,500 m),
  • Work performed by phasing to maintain traffic and operate the TPG trolley-bus line (Geneva Public Transports).


GEOS carried out Project Management assignment comprising (according to SIA 103 (Swiss Standard)):

  • Pre- Project;
  • Construction Project;
  • Procedure for requesting authorization;
  • Invitations to tender, comparisons of offers, proposals for tenders;
  • Execution Project;
  • Follow-up of works;
  • Commissioning, completion.

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