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Cut and cover tunnel – Meyrin Village – Switzerland

Cut and cover tunnel – Meyrin Village – Switzerland

Tunnels and underground constructions

  • General Contractor: State of Geneva (Switzerland)
  • Assignment: Complete project management
  • Total cost of work: 70,000 kCHF
  • Total cost of the assignment: 4,400 kCHF
  • Completion date: 2005-2011


The Meyrin covered trench project was part of the final stages of the Tram-Cornavin-Meyrin-CERN (TCMC) project. The aim was to make the traffic in the village of Meyrin (25,000 v / d) more fluid and to build a tram extension towards CERN. The coverage of the road to Meyrin was done by the realization of the covered trench. The tram’s tracks were realized on the backfilled slab.

The work resulted in the creation of:

  • A covered trench of 715 ml,
  • Two 95 ml circulation hoppers,
  • A zone of technical rooms dedicated to the operating systems of the structure,
  • Two 3.50 ml gauges,
  • Three SOS niches
  • Three emergency exits

Technical characteristics:

  • Molded walls 60 cm and 80 cm (17,800m²) thick,
  • Drilled piles with a 80 cm diameter (2,000 ml),
  • Concrete (15,950 m³), reinforcement (1,250 tons),
  • Provisional nailed walls (400m²),
  • Earthmoving en taupe (27,500 m³),
  • Open and screened excavations (56,100 m³),
  • Pavement structure (6,000 m³), bituminous pavements (1,970 t),
  • Installation of drainage and drainage networks (24,500 ml),

The main constraints of the project were:

  • Maintenance of accessibility to the center of the Village for shops and emergency services despite the small size of the site,
  • Maintenance of circulation of the existing cantonal road during the execution of the works,
  • Maintenance of existing networks
  • Proximity of the existing lines and buildings


As civil engineers and geotechnical engineers belong to its international and multidisciplinary group, GEOS carried out a complete project management mission including the following services:

  • Pre-project,
  • Final project,
  • Application for permission to build,
  • Invitation to tender,
  • Execution project,
  • Construction management,
  • Commissioning and completion.

GEOS Ingénieurs Conseils, pilot of the GETM consortium, also carried out the following coordination missions:

  • Administrative management of the project.
  • Coordination of the technical design of the structure.
  • Control of the financial management of the project.
  • Management of technical responsibility: Civil Engineering, Geotechnics, Geology, Waste Management and Special Works.
  • Technical and administrative management of subcontractors for electromechanical equipment useful for the safety of users, ventilation, lighting, signaling, video surveillance, fire detection and defense, acoustics and landscape architecture.




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