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Geneva Airport Storm Water Network: Modeling and adaptation to the new terminal Geneva Airport – Meyrin – Switzerland

Geneva Airport Storm Water Network: Modeling and adaptation to the new terminal Geneva Airport – Meyrin – Switzerland

Dams and hydraulic Engineering (Hydraulic modeling)

  • Client: Geneva Airport, East Wing Project – Service Buildings
  • Assignment: Complete mandate SIA 103 (Swiss Standard)
  • Total cost of work: CHF 3 million
  • Total cost of the assignment: 745 kCHF
  • Completion date: 2012-2013


The preparatory work to build the East Wing of the Geneva Airport consists of adapting the existing diverse networks and, above all, moving an oil separator located in the right-of-way of the future building. The new pipelines construction required the use of the microtunneler technique to allow the passage under existing structures (technical galleries, oil separator) and minimize the impact on the airport operation.

A comprehensive hydraulic study was carried out in order to study flow conditions in the sewerage network of the 2nd Zone of the Airport, incorporating modifications made during the preparatory work. This project was modeled on MOUSE within the framework of the airport water management plan. This model highlighted a major dysfunction: a general under capacity of the current network.

Characteristics of the hydrodynamic model:

  • Catchment area: 11.2 ha
  • Number of manholes: 440 manholes
  • Network length: 40 km
  • Rainfall: 10 years multi-peaks with peak intensity of 138 mm / h
  • Modeled special networks: 2 weirs, siphon system, storage mode, retention basin, oil separator regulating valve.

Technical characteristics of the pipelines made by microtunnel boring machine:

Microtunnel n°1 Microtunnel n°2
– Length: 40 m
– Pipes diameter: 1,200/1,490 mm
– Slope: 1%
– Land crossed: moraine wurmienne
– Length: 37 m
– Pipes diameter: 1,000/1,280 mm
– Slope: 0,5%
– Land crossed: moraine wurmienne



Realization of the complete services under SIA 103 (Swiss Standard) including proposed work, call for tender, execution project, works management, commissioning and completion.



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