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Arc de Dierrey (lot 1) – SNCF tracks crossing (60) – France

Arc de Dierrey (lot 1) – SNCF tracks crossing (60) – France

Tunnels and underground constructions

  • General contractor :GRT Gaz
  • Assignment: Execution Study G3
  • Total cost of work: €34k excluding tax
  • Completion date: 2014-2015


The study carried out by GEOS Ingénieurs Conseils constitutes a part of the installation of a gas pipe Ø 1200 between the communes of Cuvilly and Betz in the department of Oise. The pipeline crosses SNCF tracks underground at five points in the communes of Rouvillers, Houdancourt, Rully, and Ormoy-Villers.

The technique used for the five crossings is the use of a micro-tunneler in lengths of about 40m and at depths between 4 and 6m.


GEOS’s mission was to carry out partial geotechnical Design Studies (G3 within the meaning of the NF P 94-500 standard of November 2013) for five underground crossings of SNCF tracks, using a micro-tunneler. These studies addressed, in particular, the following points:

  • Analysis and synthesis of available geotechnical data,
  • Identification of the hazards and geotechnical constraints of project implementation,
  • Definition of the principles of preparatory work to be carried out before execution,
  • Study of the influence of digging on SNCF tracks: estimation of settlement with an analytical method and of finite element with a numerical method,
  • Analysis of the construction conditions and dimensioning of the foundations of the isolating stations,
  • Calculation of the settlements induced by the drawdown of the groundwater on the level of the SNCF tracks,
  • Definition of excavation solutions to limit the impact on the tracks.


Landslide Points – Tunisia

Landslide Points – Tunisia


  • Client: Engineering consultancy SAT
  • Assignment: Geotechnical expertise mission
  • Completion date: 2012



The mission carried out by GEOS Ingénieurs Conseils was part of the project entrusted by the Ministry of Equipment of Tunisia to the consortium of engineering companies SAT-CEP. It concerned the reparation studies of landslide points on classified and rural roads in the governorates of Bizerte and Kef in Tunisia.


GEOS conducted a geotechnical expertise mission (G5 mission). This task consisted in:

  • visiting the 14 listed landslide points and participating in debriefing meetings with the client;
  • preparing a factual report including the most probable causes, the treatment alternatives and the recommended investigations.




Second bridge over the Wouri – Access to the bridge – Douala – Cameroon

Second bridge over the Wouri – Access to the bridge – Douala – Cameroon


  • Design-construction: VINCI Group
  • Assignment: G2-PRO & G3
  • Total cost of the work: 90 k€
  • Completion date: 2014-2015


The study conducted by GEOS was part of the construction of the second bridge over the Wouri River in Douala (Cameroon). It concerned the access to a structure which represents a linear of 700 m long on the right bank (Bonabéri) and 2,000 m long on the left bank (Deïdo). It supports a road as well as a railway. The longitudinal accesses profile is mainly filled and its height can reach 9 m. Accesses also include the construction of three engineering structures and twelve hydraulic structures.

The geological context is characterised by the Wouri alluvium: the alternation of fine soils (clay, silt) and sandy soils of significant thicknesses (greater than 30 m) with very compressible layers (soft clay, mud …).

The encountered difficulties and, in particular the settlements (consolidation, creep) required the use of soil reinforcement (completion of rigid inclusions) for the abutment on the left bank. In addition, a test embankment is under construction. GEOS will exploit the results for the rest of the project.



GEOS conducted the studies from project to execution level (G2 and G3 missions according to the NF P 94-500 standard) for access to the second bridge over the Wouri.

This study particularly approached the following points:

  • Geotechnical hypothesis notes for earthworks, engineering structures and access hydraulic structures,
  • Geotechnical studies of the project and execution of access earthworks and technical blocks of the bridge.


Tunnel Mont Sion – Highway A41 North – Section Geneva – Annecy (74) – France

Tunnel Mont Sion – Highway A41 North – Section Geneva – Annecy (74) – France

Tunnels and underground constructions

  • Client: ADELAC (the concessionary for the A41 North)
  • Assignment: Assistance to Project Management
  • Total cost of work (total project): €187k excluding tax
  • Completion date: 2006-2008


The study carried out by GEOS Ingénieurs Conseils constitutes a part of the construction of the highway A41 North, section Geneva (Switzerland) – Annecy (Haute-Savoie – France).

The characteristics of the project are as follows:

  • Two-tube tunnel, 3,000 m long,
  • Tunnel dug with cut-and cover tunneling technique  Ø = 11.80 m in molasses.



GEOS acted as an Assistant to the Project Manager, which included:

  • external control of design studies (EPOA, APOA);
  • preparation of approval decisions;
  • auditing of execution and work studies;
  • an expertise mission to the Technical Department.


Wastewater disposal system between St Genis Pouilly and Choully (01) – Switzerland/France

Wastewater disposal system between St Genis Pouilly and Choully (01) – Switzerland/France

Tunnels and underground constructions

  • Client: Local Group Coopération Transfrontalière (G.L.C.T.)
  • Assignment: Complete project management (AVP, PRO, ACT, VISA, DET, AOR)
  • Total cost of work: € 463k
  • Completion date: 2006-2010


The project involves building a sewage disposal tunnel between St Genis Pouilly in France and Choully in Switzerland.

The project consists of:

  • a 3,000m long gallery, Ø 2,500 m;
  • 6 collectors Ø 1,000 to 1,500 with a cumulative length of 778m;
  • 4 access wells.


GEOS Ingénieurs Conseils carried out the project management on behalf of the Local Group Coopération Transfrontalière (G.L.C.T.)

The studies included the following:

  • geotechnical supervision of the works, tunnel cutting face description;
  • all the missions of the MOP law (AVP, PRO, ACT, DCE, VISA, DET);
  • AMO, Schedule management and bi-national aspects (customs, taxation, environment, social law, …).