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District heating network – Meyrin village and Meyrin city – Switzerland

District heating network – Meyrin village and Meyrin city – Switzerland

Civil and structural Engineering

  • Client: Geneva Industrial Services (GIS)
  • Assignment: Complete Project Management
  • Total cost of work: 12.5 million CHF
  • Completion date: 2009-2011



The studies and the follow-up work are carried out by GEOS in the frame of the development of the Geneva Industrial Services (GIS) district heating network.

The characteristics of the project are the following:

  • Excavations both on the public domain (main networks) and on private areas (connection to boiler rooms).
  • Maximum pipe diameter 400 mm inside / 630 mm outside.
  • Length of main transport networks: 5,000 ml.
  • Length of all private connections: 2,500 ml.



Tasks of GEOS were carried out in continuously over a period of 3 years. They consisted in the study and the follow-up of civil engineering works and of the pipelay, in the framework of the implementation of a district heating network in Meyrin township and in particular:

  • Project Studies.
  • Consideration of implementation constraints
  • Call for tender.
  • Establishment of construction drawings followed by as built plans.
  • Planning for main network and private connections.
  • Follow-up of civil works and pipelay.
  • General Supervision of Works

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