Years of experience
Expert engineers
Part of international activity
End of the digging of the Chambon Grand Tunnel’s new section
It will enable scondary road RD1091 to be reconstructed by the underground bypass of the collapsed area of the existing tunnel. GEOS carried out the G3-type geotechnical design study.
GEOMUR 2016 training on 1st December in Lyon
Following the release of GEOMUR 2016, an inter-company training session is organized. It will take place in Lyon, a stone's throw from the Part-Dieu train station, on 1 December 2016. During this session, the GEOMUR software will be presented, and more particularly...
Start of the construction of BAT 1 – April 2016
The second phase of the civil engineering works has started as part of the Geneva International Airport project. The underground structure will accommodate the future technical rooms of the new wing East. It is a 300-meter-long and 25-meter-wide (circa) cut-and-cover....
Participation in the design studies for line 17 of the Grand Paris Express
Photo credit: The Moniteur of 03/06/2016 Already present on the design of lines 15 and 18 of the Grand Paris Express, GEOS takes part to the design studies for line 17 North, as subcontractor of INGEROP Consulting and Engineering for geotechnics: a...
Locations in France and Switzerland
Bâtiment Europa 2
Archamps Technopole
74160 Archamps
Tél : +33(0)4 50 95 38 14
92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Tél : +33(0)1 49 04 68 10
Case postale 331
CH 1215 GENEVE 15
Tél : +41 (0)22 309 30 60
CP 744
Tél : +41 (0)21 613 44 88