GeoFond geotechnical software
Dimensioning of shallow and deep foundations
Calculation of settlement under embankments
Compliant with Eurocodes
GeoFond can be used to design foundations in accordance with standards NF P 94-261 and NF P 94-262
A powerful tool
GeoFond can be used to calculate a wide range of shallow and deep foundation configurations (footings, groups of piles, soil reinforcement).
Quick and intuitive
A reliable, optimised calculation tool with synthetic outputs that can be integrated directly into your calculation notes
Efficient assistance
The user benefits from the assistance of an experienced design office
Foundation calculation software
- Shallow foundations
- Deep foundations: piles, groups of piles, stone columns and rigid inclusions
- Simple or complex embankments
Easier and more reliable studies
- Foundations: load-bearing capacity and settlement
- Embankments: punching and oedometric and elastic settlements
- Piles under horizontal loads: calculation of moments, forces and displacements
Customisable calculations
- Takes into account a wide range of tests: pressuremeter, oedometer, penetrometer, laboratory tests, etc.
- A variety of dimensioning methods: Schmertmann, Meyerhof, Burland, etc.
- Choice of standards: Eurocode NF P 94-261 (shallow foundations) and NF P 94-262 (deep foundations), DTU, Fascicule 62-Tire V
Advanced design options
- Piles under horizontal loads
- Dimensioning of groups of piles, with torsor at the base of the spread footing
- Calculation of negative friction: Fascicule 62 and Standard NF P 94-262
- Verification of concrete materials for piles
- Calculation options to facilitate dimensioning: series of calculations and probabilistic approach
Design of complex embankments
- Finite or infinite embankments in the longitudinal direction
- Elastic and oedometric settlements at different timescales
- Taking into account asymmetry or the presence of berms
- Contour plot of ground settlements
- Stress and settlement curves as a function of depth
Group of piles" module
- Pile and footing displacements
- Maximum forces, moments and displacements along each pile
- Three-dimensional representation of the pile group
- Stiffness matrix of the group under the imposed torsor
Number of licences in service in France and abroad
Vos logiciels sont, après votre formation, d’une utilisation aisée et généralement bien adaptés aux configurations des ouvrages dont nous devons justifier la stabilité.
Get the latest GeoFond version
This link allows you to download the latest version of GeoFond:
- Either as a trial version, which allows you to use GeoFond completely, without restriction, for 10 days. You can then see for yourself how useful and relevant GeoFond is for your geotechnical projects.
- Or as a full version if you already have a protection key